Common charges involving sex with minors include:
Sex crimes involving children are typically strict liability crimes under Florida law. This eliminates several otherwise common defenses, including that the age of a child was unknown, therefore the crime was unintentional, and/or that the child consented to the sexual act.
These charges require an experienced West Palm Beach defense lawyer to quickly build an aggressive defense of a client in both the court of public opinion and a court of law.
Possible defenses include:
Downward departure: Because of the mandatory minimum sentences in many of these cases, successfully arguing for a downward departure can significantly benefit a defendant. This may include a plea bargain, successfully arguing a defendant was a minor accomplice, deficient capacity to understand the criminal nature of the conduct, need for payment or restitution outweighs the need for prison time, defendant acted under extreme duress. cooperation of defendant, remorse of defendant, non-violent offender.
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